The Sage Sayers

The Sage Sayers: How Do We Create Vital Space For True, Long-Term Growth? Ask Dorie Clark.

Debbi Gardiner McCullough Season 1 Episode 37

My guest this week is Dorie Clark, an American author and executive education professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Along with working as a globally recognized communications coach for top-tier corporations, Dorie's also a three-time book author, most recently with: The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World , which releases this month from Harvard Business Review Press.

In our interview, Dorie shares gems from her early starts, what sparked her to leave small-town North Carolina and start a bigger, ambitious life alone. She shares how to create the vital space for long-term growth in our lives and careers  by prioritizing how we spend our time and learning how to say no, even to the great opportunities, and even in ways which still serve our audience. 

You can pre-order Dorie's book here and download your free Long Game Strategic Thinking Self-Assessment.  Visit Dorie's website here.

Find more on Debbi via  her website here or book her for a private communications coaching session via Calendly. Group coaching and training sessions on business writing and speaking coming this fall!