The Sage Sayers
The Sage Sayers
Bringing Londoners together. Meet Coach Amy and Coach Malvika, founders of the Coven
When London-based coaches Malvika Joshi and Amy Outterside went on independent travels, they both struggled reconnecting with friends upon their return. “Many had moved on— and I too had changed,” Joshi recalls. And yet few places to meet like-minded people (beyond pubs) existed, even though London’s huge. With few trusting one another at work either, the idea formed to create a supper club, in a neutral location, and from using coaching, storytelling, and curiosity, get groups to connect and bond over a shared want to learn about shared struggles, whether that’s building confidence or slowing down.
Now on its third gathering, the Coven is on a roll and underway. In our delightful conversation, Coaches Amy and Malvika share their journey as entrepreneurs, marketers, and coaches. We also learn how they get strangers to open up with one another—a gift many business leaders feel lost on how to do—and to bond over self discovery and fabulous food.
You can reach the Coven by clicking here and find Malvika on LinkedIn here. Reach out to me, your show host, for keynote speaking engagements, group coaching, and training on public speaking fear, active listening, and reinvention via my website, or find me also on Linkedin.