The Sage Sayers

The Sage Sayers: How (and When) to Explain Blips in Our Work Story?

October 19, 2023 Debbi Gardiner McCullough Season 3 Episode 19

If you're job interviewing, you may feel a bit nervous about the inevitable blips which come up in our work story, especially during turbulent times. I've beaucoup ideas and tactics in this week's podcast episode and in my article on Medium on how to iron out those kinks in confident, non-apologetic ways and in ways which help our personal brand.

A lot of lovely requests for help on this topic from peers and my coachees inspired this week's musings. I'm drawing from my own career transitions when no narrative seemed to thread the changes together (and how I found then shared that narrative). I'm also pulling from job seekers out there right now and what we've co-created and applied. These tips have landed them progress in their search and/or the role of their dreams.

Reach out to me, D G McCullough, for group or individual coaching and training on reinventing, communicating, and creating (or reinventing) your personal brand.