The Sage Sayers

I Inherited (and Must Present From) Dire Slides. Now What?

September 21, 2023 Debbi Gardiner McCullough Season 3 Episode 17

Business presenters often inherit slides from another. While some slides feel fantastic and a gift, others can induce dread, worry, and concerns with how to stay engaging vs. boring our audience and diluting or confusing our personal brand. The biggest stressor often comes when the slides belong to a boss, manager, or someone else with power over us.  In which case, how do we go ahead with the presentation without offending anyone or falling back?

That’s the communication conundrum I wrote on via Medium this week and read via this week's Sage Sayers podcast episode. Go forth, brave communicators!  I promise with these tools I've co-created with clients and tried out myself, you can and will prevail.

 Reach out to me, D G McCullough, for group or individual coaching and training on reinventing, communicating, and creating your personal brand.